“Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned. Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned.”
— William Congreve - The Mourning Bride, 1697
>> Mansions of Madness Turn Tracker
A simple turn tracker for the board game Mansions of Madness 2nd Edition.
More info is available on the page.
The boiler calculator is a utility application for the Minecraft mod
Railcraft and is used to calculate fuel consumption for the in-game boilers.
The Boiler calculators estranged cousin that nobody likes.
>> The Gamesave Repository
An old that is a good concept, but poorly executed due to being one of my earlier projects.
My scheduling system which provides a schedule and a list of my videos, as well as searching by tags and such.
A crappy system that mostly works, but needs a complete rewrite.
A rewrite is in progress which involves making the system able to handle multiple users.
My art portfolio, where I post all my art.
Also linked above in the reactor.
Contains NSFW (Not Safe For Work) art that can contain nudity!
A system which only purpose is tracking my drawing habits using a complicated point system and subtracting one point per day.
My personal blog. This is where I occasionally write things, be they news, stories or just personal journal entries.
>> UniversalVTTExport to FGModule
Generate Fantasy Grounds modules from DungeonFog maps.
Count things in an organized fashion.
Railcraft IRC <=> Discord Relay
Yuri by Michiyo (A fork of Yui by DV8FromTheWorld) to bridge the #railcraft IRC channel on esper.net with the Railcraft Discord server
Buildcraft IRC <=> Discord Relay
Yuri by Michiyo (A fork of Yui by DV8FromTheWorld) to bridge the #buildcraft IRC channel on esper.net with the Buildcraft Discord server
This is where I'd keep my sites, if I had any!